2015 Recap - It's been an AWESOME year!

Dear Friends and Supporters of Lab:Revolution,
As we close out this year, we would like to take time to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the support and friendship you've shown in support of youth in our region. Whether through financial support, spreading the word to interested families, donating tools and equipment, mentoring youth, or volunteering at events, your help has made it possible for us to provide local youth with fun, relevant, and educational hands-on learning opportunities.
Your support has made possible
Gadget Girls competitive robotics team - bringing home the Robot Design Award for the 2nd year in a row!!
Teen Science Cafe - connecting scientists and teens
Summer Maker Programs - helping youth gain confidence in their ability to build, design, innovate and truly understand how the technological world around them works

the 4th annual Robot and Technology Expo where hundreds of participants and attendees enjoy a full day of robotics competition, high tech workshops and demos

Spokes program - inspiring and hands-on workshops led by MIT and Harvard students,

Weather Balloon Launch - here's our payload at almost 53,000 ft on it's way up to 100,000!